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Ricardo has truly artistic nature when it comes down to sculpting miniatures. He is not only just takes inspirations and concepts, yet he always strive to bring them into reality with ideas and the skills that few can match. The superb thing is that he never stops improving, always eager to elevate his skills further and I can see his creation would become piece of art rather than just a product. As an artist, it's something vital to be unique in his creations yet not many can archive that... and truly he is actually creating artistic piece. It's great joy to work with such a humble yet talented artist. Yoji Momiyama Executive producer - Magic Reality Miniatures

"We've been greatly impressed by the artistic progression of Ricardo Diaz. His eye for composition and dynamism promise even bigger things are yet to come!" - The Shiflett Brothers


Its really nice to see new artists emerging and growing with time.,. And Ricardo Diaz is one of them, with time, patience and hard work he will acomplish great things. -


"To become a great artist you must have a lot of discipline, humility and constant study. Following the evolution of Ricardo I can see he has going on the right way to reach your goals and be better and better at it. Continue this relentless pursuit the knowledge that every day will be a new achievement. Big hug! - Gilberto Magno"

Daniel Bel

3D artist - Art Director 


"No hay mejor manera en la vida de ganarse el lugar en donde deseamos estar, que trabajando duro día tras día, y tú amigo mío estas destinado a lograrlo. Pero cuando llegues, nunca te olvides de donde has venido. Te deseo el mejor de los éxitos! un gran abrazo!"

The enthusiasm and interest in developing new figures of Ricardo has pushed his artistic skills to a professional levels, very competitive in the market field of collectible figures. He is certainly such a hard worker with the passion of a kid.

Fran Picazo

3D Freelance Modeler and Artist 

Viendo la obra de Ricardo Díaz se puede apreciar la habilidad para modelar y recrear con un estilo propio y característico personajes, criaturas y conceptos en 3D con un alto nivel de detalle y realismo. Siempre activo en la búsqueda de nuevos métodos y técnicas para madurar como artista.

Giorgos Tsougkouzidis

Freelance Sculptor

Ricardo Diaz I am honored to be your friend your works its absolutely fantastic I love what you create in traditional and 3d sculptures wish you all the best and big success my friend !!!


Ciruelo Cabral

Prestigius Fantasy Artist

"Hace varios años, Ricardo Díaz hizo una magnífica escultura de mi pintura "Dark Dsurion", el dragón negro, con la que me impresionó profundamente por su calidad en los detalles. A partir de ahí, su talento siguió evolucionando constantemente. Ya es un gran artista y sin duda será aún mejor."

Reza Sedgui 

Lead Artist en Raya Honar-e Eleya - 3D Character Artist 


"I see some cool sculpts, Ricardo! you show a great passion for art! Keep up the fine work & push the limits of your creativity"


"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see" A great saying by Edgar Degas. And after seeing ricardo's work i feel the same. He is growing with every sculpt he is doing even if there are miniatures one can feel the attention to the details for the subject. I wish him luck for all his upcoming ventures in life.

You can always tell who is passionate about their work. Ricardo's passion shines through in his sculpting. It's obvious that he pushes his sculpts 'the extra mile'. He leaves nothing unaccounted for. From posing to composition and detail. His hard work is evident. It will be exciting to see all the art he develops in the years to come.

Luis Ariel Bernachea

Freelance artist



David F. Barruz

Digital Sculptor/ CG Trainer



La habilidad para aprender de nuestro entorno y estar abiertos a escuchar es muy positivo para el crecimiento profesional y artístico, esta es una característica que Ricardo posee y se ve reflejado en su trabajo, el cual tengo el gusto de conocer desde hace algunos años.

Cuando la pasión es lo que te mueve solo puedes crecer y mejorar. Un gran trabajo el de Ricardo que crece con su pasión a pasos de gigante. Aquí me tienes para ayudarte en todo lo pueda, creciendo y aprendiendo juntos estimado amigo.!


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